Cluster of hewed homes in mountains Chambers inside the hewed home Cluster of hewed homes in a mountain Hewed homes in another mountain Prophet Saleh God selected a man among Thamuds as His messenger. He was Saleh bin Ubaid bin Maseh bin Ubaid bin Hadir bin Thamud bin Athir bin Iram bin Noah. His presence among Thamuds as Prophet is the pinnacle of their history that is well documented and remembered by Muslims all over the world and particularly in the region even today. It is also observed from the traditions of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) that this region is cursed by the Creator due to the severe punishment meted out to Thamuds through natural obliteration. Even today, the elderly Arabs living nearby region was not interested to visit the place. Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) advises to avoid visiting such cursed places and even if someone to visit for learning purposes, should cry for the fear of curse and punishment. Followings are the verses from different parts of Holy Quran to detail ...