
Showing posts from July, 2018

Game within the game - War, religions, myth and truth

In January 1, 1818, British owned East India Company with salaried army men mostly from Maher Dalits from Maharashtra numbering around 500 along with British soldiers defeated numerically strong Peshwa Army comprised of Maratha higher caste army men.  This war was known as third Anglo – Maratha war, in other word, Nationalism against Imperialism.  Nationalism represented by Peshwa and Imperialism by British forces. Britishers known for recognising the services rendered by anyone to advance their cause, have constructed a little war memorial in the village and subsequently it is known as Koregaon Ranstambh (victory pillar).  Marathas dislike this war memorial because it kept reminding the defeat at the hands of British army and more precisely Dalit Mahers who were once served as soldiers in Baji Rao II army, but Peshwas dismissed the dalits approximately a year before this battle.  The jobless Mahers find an abled employer, British East India Company and fought ag...