Being Idiot

Everyone wants to be an intelligent and no one like to be an idiot.  Being an idiot is also a kind of contribution to others that many idiots would not capable of understanding it because, they are idiots.  But the fact is that every one of us is an idiot and continues to be so in some part of the life, but seldom agrees and promulgates.   We do not want to be perceived as idiots even though we are.   

Being idiot is not easy for us because we feel that it is an inferior state of life.  On contrary, the fact is that being idiot is the happiest of way of life.   How many of us able to observe the life of idiots?  They are happier than the intelligent people.  They enjoy life better than clever people.   In fact, they are the people who make the life interesting for themselves and others.  There are several reasons while idiots enjoy the life better than intelligent humans. 

The first reason is they are honest.  What is wrong being an idiot, so let it be is their attitude and would never interest to change.  They are honest because they never try to break the limitations and the law of nature.   Life has its own mechanisms and programs that are programmed and tuned to protect the balance of life by the Creator.  Life is something to coexist and contribute to each other.  Everyone has a role to play and became the trial and test for others.  Idiots play their roles perfectly and contribute a lot to others.  They are the living examples of dos and don’ts and of course not worried of losing the game.  Being honest makes them much happier than hypocrites.  Hypocrites pretend to be intelligent and happy while actually they are not.  After all, life is the game and winning and losing are the part of the game.   

The second reason is idiots are sincere.  They are sincere to their heart and minds.   Idiots never attempt something serious to jeopardize the life of others unless they are compelled by intelligent humans.  Some may disagree with me that idiots create trouble to others.  But that is not true.  It is the intelligent humans who got the judgmental error in reading idiots.   Do intelligent humans are as sincere as idiots?  I have a serious doubt.  The person who is not sincere to him would never be sincere to others.   Intelligent human beings are thinking that they can change the world for themselves and others.   And in the process they create worst obstacles and heart breaks to themselves and other people.  All because they could not evaluate the situation and themselves better, but many idiots does it well.  After all, sincerity in life is the virtue that brings success and happiness.

The third reason is idiots keep life simple.  Simplicity in life makes life simpler and easier for them and others.  Why do we need to complicate?  What are we expecting to achieve by complicating the life for us and others?   We intelligent people things that we are super humans and have the ability to decode all problems of life.  We attempt to become a model for others by decoding the problems.  On contrary, we create numerous hurdles and found ourselves underneath of mountains of doldrums which we would never able to clean it up.  Eventually, we keep creating bad examples while we actually thought of setting right examples.  All because, we do not know how to live a simple life that idiot does it.  After all, simplicity in life makes us responsible citizens of the world.      

I can continue to give few more reasons and obviously do not want the intelligent people to bump on me with their fist of fury.  However, my final reason is that they lives without any rules and don’t bother about it.  Rules are the basic disempowering factors of life if we do not know how to set it.  We set rules without knowing the consequences and assuming that rules are the forte of life.  I am not against the rules, but against the setting of imprudent rules without knowing the consequences of it.   We are all clever enough and make personal rules based on our life objectives and produce our own prison and live in it.  Yes, we create the rules of prison and assuming that it will protect us.  In reality it is preventing our progress, because we set incongruent rules.  Hence, in my view idiots are much better than us.  They don’t create rule and enjoy every ups and downs of life as it comes.   After all, life is to enjoy every moments.

Interestingly, often both intelligent and idiot people are reasonably smart.  An idiot can be as smart as intelligent.   Let me give some famous quotes about idiots to justify that idiots are also smart.  Quote 1: ‘Never argue with an idiot.  They will only bring you down and beat with their experiences’.   Quote 2: ‘If you argue with an idiot and after sometimes, it is hard to tell who the real idiot is’.

Being intelligent is what the world appreciates.  Being intelligent is a supreme human standard that every one of us striving to reach.   Feeling intelligent gives momentum in life.  Being intelligent is for what we have been created because it brings success and makes us powerful.  Well, are we? 

If the intelligent is not sincere, honest and simple then he is worse than idiots and dangerous to society.  Isn’t it?  Who can join with me to live honest, sincere and simple life with congruent rules that make us successful?    


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