Modi and black money - Jayalalitha and Corruption

If you want to rule India, the first quality is that you should be shameless and the second quality is to know how to manipulate the emotions and foolishness of people.   In India, it is possible and possible again and again, because of our foolishness, ignorance and emotions.  The political parties thrive from our emotions, ignorance and blind followings.   Political parties and leaders were able keep the momentum and add more followers to keep us remain ignorant and fools. 

All the political leaders are almost doing the same thing and now we have two distinctive examples.  One is Modi and another is Jayalalitha. 

Modi uses the emotions of educated and uneducated mass by offering rhetoric promises with a time frame to achieve.  He promoted himself as the savior of the nation and promised to bring back black money to India within hundred days of his government. 

Now his government says that they cannot disclose the names to Supreme Court, because they are bound by a treaty signed between Germany and India in 1995.  Don’t they know this treaty was active before becoming the ruling party?  Their rhetoric party leaders were filing RTI, issuing statements in television stations against then ruling party UPA for not disclosing the names.  They stalled parliament proceedings for months and disturbed entire government machinery.  Finally, they are doing the same what UPA was doing?

Where is Nirmala Sitharaman thumped in media presentation demanding than finance minister Pranab to release the names?  Now she is the minister of corporate affairs, sitting on the same list.  Where is Ram Prasad, who speaks philosophically about inability of UPA government’s failure to disclose the list in Supreme Court?  Now he is the law minister agreeing with the treaty signed between India and Germany.  Where is Varun Ghandi who filed RTI as a Member of Parliament asking to disclose 600 odd names?  Now he is loyal and obedient servant of BJP government and guarding his tongue.  Where is our PM Modi who says that we don’t need to dig gold if we bring the black money back to India?  What happened to his cabinet’s first decision of forming SIT to investigate and bring back the black money?   

So, being shameless is an important trait in politics.  In fact, a necessary tool to protect their chairs, power and enjoy the privileges.  I am as a citizen of India is the real stupid for voting Modi and thinking that he will be different and true to his words.  I am the stupid and unable to understand that Modi need to be true to his financiers than a common man like me.     

The next example is Jayalalitha, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.  She is clear convict and lodged in jail with court ruling and punishment.  Her entire party machinery fought tooth and nail in public projecting the leader is as victim of judgment.  They made mockery of justice system for 18 long years and finally insulted the judge and the system.  They even abused Karanataka and the people.  Entire India was laughing at us at seeing the swearing ceremony of new cabinet with flood of tears and cries.  

Her money and muscle power works relentlessly for day and night and got the much needed interim bail from Supreme Court.   Tamil film fraternity which was supporting Anna Hazare few years back for his anti corruption movement made a u turn and completely forget what is corruption.  The same leading actors succeeded to act to the script of AIADMK by showing solidarity with Jayalalitha.  For AIADMK members, corruption is part of political life and they even don’t mind to pass legislation in assembly approving the corruption as a legal act.

Where are we living?  Where are the morals of leadership?  Are we the people of India where Ghandhiji have sacrificed his life to show an exemplary leadership model? 

My major worry is that now media also becoming shameless and conveniently hides or hype up certain issues depends on various influences that help their business.   We don’t have any formidable media that can stand for the people.  Media is at the hands of political parties and rich people to drive the public sentiments to their favour.  They are not illustrating the truth as it is.  They are manipulating people’s opinion to their favour.    

My next major worry is will our courts upholds the principles of justice for all and treat everyone on par.  If a business man lies, made his company into loses and failed to deliver the promises to his shareholders, his company will be ceased, bank accounts are frozen and assets are confiscated and even let him live in jail.  But there is no legal system that can send the politicians and rulers to jail if the politician lies to become power holders and failed to deliver the promises that they did in public and are allowed to go free in addition to the damages they did in government coffers.    

Politicians, administrative executives, justice system, media and rich can interpret the way they want and would escape from any penalties and punishments.  All these powerful institutions will let the poor to die by upholding the constitution and allow the rich and powerful to live free by bending the rules.

The shameless leaders are slowly succeeding in corrupting the entire population to become shameless.  The country will sink soon not because of any economical disasters, but of moral corruptions that are taking place at all spheres of our life.  


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